Effective Treatment for Complex Trauma
Many clients come to us after trying every other available treatment option to address the cycle of suffering resulting from complex trauma. In therapy at The Trauma Recovery Place, clients often feel a difference beginning with their very first session. The efficacy of our Ensemble Method is evident in the amount of time clients typically spend in therapy with us, which averages between two and five years in duration.
We've been privileged to help a wide range of clients experience relief, healing and wholeness. We share their insights with you here.

"By far the most effective therapeutic intervention I have ever done—and I’ve worked with at least five therapists. Xue is the only therapist I’ve ever met that combines both modalities–the somatic and the linguistic. The results have been life-changing. I feel free, self-resourced and equipped to move through life more anchored in my body and at ease with what being a fully functioning human being requires."
"Working with the nervous system with someone as skilled as Xue is surprisingly comfortable, very effective and amazingly and immediately helpful in dealing with trauma, anxiety and acute stress."
"I worked with three different practitioners before finding the Trauma Recovery Place, and while each one was helpful, I certainly wish I'd found Xue and her practice first. There are many different practices out there that claim to heal trauma, and I've tried quite a few of them, but anytime I find myself out of sorts, I know that the bodywork will bring me back home."
"Working with the nervous system with someone as skilled as Xue is surprisingly comfortable, very effective and amazingly and immediately helpful in dealing with trauma, anxiety and acute stress."
"Because this technique does not require remembering the trauma event, it allowed me to work with pre-verbal, non-cognitive trauma structures. I could feel my body unwinding from the tension of anxiety I have held these many years. After each session, I could recognize my body being more aligned, and over time I saw my anxiety reduced and felt the capacity to work with it without getting overwhelmed."
"TRP showed me how traumas earlier in my life led to the development of coping strategies that were no longer useful to me. The techniques may seem odd at first, especially if you have a lot of experience with traditional talk therapy, but the science is real and so are the results. I spent five years in therapy at TRP and it is the best investment I've made in myself. I'm more successful in all types of relationships, I can cope with life's ups and downs, and I feel confident in myself for the first time in my life."